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How to Transfer a RobotsConf 2014 Ticket

RobotsConf tickets may not be refunded, but they may be transferred to other individuals. Individuals who have tickets may tranfer those tickets to other individuals, but both parties are responsibile for:

  1. Handling all finanical transfer details between themselves. RobotsConf will not have any part in the financial matters of the transfer.
  2. Notifying RobotsConf of the tranfser by emailing us directly with the ALL of the following information:
  3. Once the RobotsConf transfer team has completed the transfer, they will email you a unique URL that must be filled out with new attendee's information. If this is not filled out, you WILL NOT be registered and will not have the proper things for when you arrive at RobotsConf.

How do I find people looking for a transfer?

We have tried various methods including waiting lists and mailing lists, but they have caused way too much workload for us.We, the organizers, are not here to facilitate transfers of tickets -- we tried, but there is just too much involved. We have setup a RobotsConf community on Google Plus that we strongly encourage you to use for finding people to transfer your ticket to. Please limit your volume of posts and do not spam the community, that is just uncool. Once you have connected with someone, please follow the instructions above.

How do I find people willing to transfer their ticket?

We, the organizers, are not here to facilitate transfers of tickets. We have setup a RobotsConf community on Google Plus that we strongly encourage you to use to find people looking to transfer their ticket(s). Please limit your volume of posts and do not spam the community, that is just uncool. Once you have connected with someone, please follow the instructions above.

Thank you!